Upcoming Books
Some of the books we'll be discussingWe usually discuss two books every six weeks – one 19th (or 18th) Century and one 20th Century classic. You can choose to read one or both of the books (or neither..this isn’t school).
The discussion times each month will vary, and we’ll schedule two discussions of each book to suit different time zones.

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
19th Century Classic – Published in 1848 in England
Discussions: 10 March 10am OR Wed 12 March 7.30pm
NB: All times quoted in Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (for Melbourne Australia). Click on the event date/time above to see details of local times for main member countries or to convert to your local time, click here

Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
20th Century Classic – Published in 1936 in the USA
Discussions: Tues 1 April 8pm OR Wed 2 April 11am
NB: All times quoted in Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (for Melbourne Australia). Click on the event date/time above to see details of local times for main member countries or to convert to your local time, click here

Silas Marner by George Eliot
19th Century Classic – Published in 1861 in England
Discussions: Wed 23 Apr 7pm OR Fri 25 Apr 10.30am
NB: All times quoted in Australian Eastern Standard Time (for Melbourne Australia). Click on the event date/time above to see details of local times for main member countries or to convert to your local time, click here

Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay
20th Century Classic – Published in 1967 in Australia
Discussions: Tues 13 May 8pm OR Wed 14 May 10am
NB: All times quoted in Australian Eastern Standard Time (for Melbourne Australia). Click on the event date/time above to see details of local times for main member countries or to convert to your local time, click here

A Lady’s Paradise (Au Bonheur des Dames) by Emile Zola
19th Century Classic – Published in 1883 in France
Discussions: Sun 1 June 9am OR Mon 2 June 7.30pm – Subject to change
NB: All times quoted in Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (for Melbourne Australia). Click on the event date/time above to see details of local times for main member countries or to convert to your local time, click here
Translation Note: While it doesn’t usually matter which translation you read, it does if you are reading Zola. Avoid any translations by Viztelly or without a translator listed (as it will be the Viztelly translation). There are a few from the late 20th Century either of which is fine.

Lady Chatterley’s Lover by DH Lawrence
20th Century Classic – Published in 1928 in England
Discussions: Mon 30 June 9.30am OR Tue 1 July 8pm – Subject to change
NB: All times quoted in Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (for Melbourne Australia). Click on the event date/time above to see details of local times for main member countries or to convert to your local time, click here

The War of the Worlds by HG Wells
19th Century Classic – Published in 1898 in England
Discussions: Sat 26 July 10am OR Mon 28 July 7pm – Subject to change
NB: All times quoted in Australian Eastern Standard Time (for Melbourne Australia). Click on the event date/time above to see details of local times for main member countries or to convert to your local time, click here
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