A New Type of Book Club

Real time discussions and the convenience of online meetings.

Welcome to Classics Book Club Online

We connect members from all around Australia, Europe, the US and beyond for hosted real time discussions on Zoom.  Every six weeks, we schedule four meetings to discuss two different classics books.  Plus the discussions are held at different times each month to allow for everyone’s varied commitments (and timezones).

Have you always wanted to read and discuss the classics of literature?   Our group is a welcoming place for people of all experience levels to meet ‘face-to-face’ and learn together. 

Choose which book you read from a choice of at least one 19th or 18th century and one 20th century book every six weeks.  You can see which books we’re reading next here or look at some of the books we discussed over the last three years.  

Everyone (18 years and over) is welcome to join –  whether you’ve never read the classics before or regularly read or have even studied classic books.

You can read more about How it Works here.  To see our current calendar, click here.


Four Months for the Price of Three

If you join for three months, we’ll give a month extra for no additional charge.  Our three month membership costs just $A33 incl GST (which is Australian for sales tax or VAT).  Thats A$8.25 per month (or approx $5.92 USD = €5.23)




Our flexible scheduling and our choice of dates for each book make it easier for you to attend, no matter how busy you are or varied your  commitments

We  usually read at least two books every six weeks and each book is scheduled at least twice, with discussions during the week, on weekends and in the evening.

Plus, we avoid scheduling at the same time every month, to help accommodate different people’s schedules and the various time zones in Australia, Europe, Asia and the US/Canada.

Here’s a link to our current calendar, which members use to book into our discussions.


Some ‘book clubs’ are really just social occasions (not that there’s anything wrong with that).   Our book discussions are relaxed and fun, but focus on the book we are discussing. So come along and meet other people who have (probably) read the book and actually want to talk about it.

Unlike other online ‘book clubs’ this is not a lecture or an interview, but an actual discussion.  The session leader’s role is to keep the conversation flowing and make it easy for everyone to take part.

And everyone is welcome – regardless of your past experience. If you’re happy to participate in an engaged discussion and listen to other members you’re welcome. (NB: Membership is also restricted to 18+, but message me if you’d like to participate and are under 18)


There is no organising or admin on your part (other than making time to read the book) .

Just log into the website and  book into to your preferred session via our easy booking system (available to members only) and show up to the discussion on Zoom.

No need to dress up and drive to a central venue nor order a drink or a meal.

Just launch the Zoom link using your computer or tablet and join in the discussion.  (And if you’ve never used Zoom before, we’ll send you an easy cheat sheet / video to help you get started! No signups to Zoom required.)


Four Months for the Price of Three

If you join for three months, we’ll give a four month extra for no additional charge.  Our three month membership costs just $A33 incl GST (which is Australian for sales tax or VAT).  Thats A$8.25 per month (or approx $5.92 USD = €5.23)